Wow, so many pages, lazy to read all. How to join? My lvl 1 archer ign: sleepymode
Btw, i keep getting lvl 2 drops in my own made quest. Is this normal?
What is the best lvl 1 farmed gears for archer?
"my free give away thread is a flop"
PL: StupidXStupid/ lvl 66 dual build mage
SL: Glamiour / lvl 30 pure dex ops - hybernating
Yes this is normal, like anything better than white is over lvl 1, but every now and then you get a gray or white that' lvl 2.
Add me, IGN is onelvlelf
The best gears are listed in this guide. I followed it and it rocks!!
Ok so what do i hav to do to join
Added all who posted names!
IGN (Apocolypze lvl 61 Warrior)(Lvlonewarrior lvl 1 Warrior)(Twinkenstein lvl 10 Dexbear)(Cthulusleeps lvl 17 Dexbear)(Wintertide lvl 26 Mage)(Derpfest lvl 30 Dexbear)(Dodgeyfeet lvl 10 Merchant)
IGN (Apocolypze lvl 61 Warrior)(Lvlonewarrior lvl 1 Warrior)(Twinkenstein lvl 10 Dexbear)(Cthulusleeps lvl 17 Dexbear)(Wintertide lvl 26 Mage)(Derpfest lvl 30 Dexbear)(Dodgeyfeet lvl 10 Merchant)
K ill delete my low level one now and make new. My main is irulelol and my level one is going to be iruleloltwo
Shuld i make bear archer or mage?
If you use the guide i posted a link to use the mage for best kill/survive rate. Not the strongest armor, but i can solo any level faster than with my bear or bird, i can only imagine what a few of them would do. It derfinitely hits harder than my my other two and actually it's armor is really close to the bears for being a mage with a 1 handed item, while bear has shield.
So ill make a mage but wat do u use bear or mage weapons?
well it's level one so it's int only, go to plat store use lightning staff for 5 plat (best weapn for lvl 1) and i'll help you get mage cowl and robe that works best when i get on later
K wat time? And im savin platinum 4 the moment but i may buy latr. My lvl ones name is going to be iruleloltwo
Hey I made a bear "Twinkzone" I could use some help getting gear also
Nourish 36 Engineer | Glu 36 Commando | Tacticz 36 Operative
Ok i only have a few items for int and str right now, but the best person to buy from would be Toxic, since he has a rather large collection for all classes.
I'll be on about 1:30-2:00 pm central time. Send me requests real fast IGN is onelvlelf
If anyone would like to have some starting gear to farm or pvp with I have a few that you could use for free but I only have a limited supply of each, so please understand if I run out add levelonetoxic: all my spare gear is on him.
Also I'll be farming again, so please shoot me a pm to see if I have any gear that will be best for you.
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Last edited by Unxtoxic; 08-15-2011 at 01:04 AM.
MAINS: L56 Ursan xkiilzx, L55 Avian Unxtoxic, L55 Spellcaster Nonxtoxic, L10 Avian Merchant Toxicmerchant
I would recommend a bear in farming since it has the most damage. But I would recommend either a bear or a bird in pvp. I recommend those 2 because a bear has the most damage And armor while the bird has the crossbow that has a amazing range which you can kite pretty well with.
Since you are a level 1 Mage, you can't duel spec. So you can only use Mage weapons. Same for the bird and bear classes.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last edited by Unxtoxic; 08-15-2011 at 12:59 AM.
MAINS: L56 Ursan xkiilzx, L55 Avian Unxtoxic, L55 Spellcaster Nonxtoxic, L10 Avian Merchant Toxicmerchant
I would like to join add me
Ign twinkforweeks
Last edited by WereTalonted; 08-20-2011 at 05:35 PM.
Nice guild name
PL - Navygreen
AL - Viicks (me), Littlesis (my sis)
hey guys, im new to the forums! btw add shrunkien my lvl 1 bear farmer! Thanks