Quote Originally Posted by Staaarlord View Post
jewel stats+your % awakes
For example if u slot flawless (15dex) and have 30%dex on your gear total, u get 19.5 which will round to 20 depending on how your stats were alrdy rounded.
If u r talking about dmg stats, its a bit more complicated but i dont see special reason why would u need to know those numbers since they follow your stats respectively and those r easier to follow.

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It would be more convenient if I didn't have to do all of the math just to find out how much a jewel increased my damage by since damage is a bit complicated to calculate like you said. It's helpful to know the numbers when comparing pieces of gear with different awakes so that I can figure out which piece of gear to invest into first/putting the better jewels into without having to wait the 8 hours to see the final stats.