Quote Originally Posted by Switchback View Post
You can see the look of the items in game so i dont see any reason for this. It would also look weird seeing the leaderboard item being worn by hundreds of people at the same time..
From what I'm reading the preview does not appear to the same as when they wear it on inspect hence the request to change them now especially the aura? Or is it the same when it's on preview but they just didn't notice it until they actually wear it? (as it sounds like them not paying proper attention not sts fault)

If that's the case this concept is totally unnecessary unless it is not possible for sts to optimize the preview for inspect view. (Ideally, the preview should be made exactly the same as to when one actually wears it on inspect so they won't be any nonsensical complains like this.)

The concept of trial is weird and new in AL but pretty common on other games where players get to try out the "premium stuff" for a short period of time to increase their desire to buy it or work for it.