actually all I'm asking for is price history. For example, one day a player checks the price of an item, for example a Cryostar Dagger and finds a price of 50m in AUC, even though what he remembers is not that expensive, with the price history system the player can check and find, for example, it turns out that the price of the previous Cryostar Dagger was only around 25-26 yesterday. , so the players naturally understand that "oh it turns out that what's in the auc right now is overprice huh, I'd better wait." and certainly will not be easily instigated by others.

Likewise with nerf rahab, at least this will keep other people from joining in when there are rich people in a hurry to throw away their money by showing off their wealth at prices that are beyond reason in auc, because gold that has been nerfed makes them think again about going along with the price. taxes they have to pay.

if for example the item is not there for more than 1 month, then it's up to you how much you want to sell it. The problem that often occurs under 1 week is not there suddenly the price skyrocketed. this case often occurs in obsidian rusk wing where many people try to sell 24m when the item is not available, even though it seems that it often fails because in the end the cost of the rusk wing is only around 9-12m.