Quote Originally Posted by Endpoints View Post
That's called a 'tie' its been in game for years, even on AL. And it shouldn't be removed just because of your own personal issue with other player/s.
a leaderboard is used to show the progress of individual players and compare their performance with others, most of games may use tie-breaking rules to determine the order of players with the same score. These rules may be based on various factors, such as the time taken to achieve the score or the number of attempts it took to achieve the score.

-When two or more players tie for the same position on a leaderboard, it can be frustrating for those players who feel that their efforts were not fully recognized or rewarded. In some cases, tying for a position may mean that a player misses out on rewards or recognition that would have come with a higher position.

-For competitive players, ties can be demotivating as it can feel like their efforts were not enough to set them apart from other players. When players are unable to distinguish themselves from others on a leaderboard, it can be demoralizing and may lead to a loss of interest in the game.

-In some cases, a tie may be perceived as unfair if the game doesn't have a clear tiebreaker system. Players who feel that they deserve a higher position on the leaderboard may become frustrated if they feel that they were not given a fair chance to break the tie.

ties can be demotivating, frustrating, and unfair for players who are competing for recognition or rewards. Leaderboards in games are an essential feature that provides a competitive element to the game. If players coordinate with each other, where is the competition?
I understand that it might seem like I have a personal issue with other players, but I assure you that my behavior in the game is not based on personal feelings. I'm simply trying to play the game to the best of my ability and achieve my goals.