Quote Originally Posted by peacemaster View Post
hmm I guess that damage implant won't make much of a difference (most likel none) unless mob hp deals with fractions. No idea how SL damage works but some games treat hp as % and work on fraction bases. If that was true, the damage would probably be the best. If fractions are not applied here, then dmg and crit are pointless and just go with hit % *shrug*. However if hp has decimal points and you only see the rounded (floored?) number, then the math is on again and we'd need to figure out how mob armor works and how much armor the guardian has.
It will be easier once we get higher lvl and will be able to test more powerful weapons against him. So far, he is the only mob with insane amounts of armor :/

Also for the crit argument... there is a simple test. Have a go at the guardian. If you keep hitting him for 5, 6,7 and suddenly hit him for 20, crit is not dependant on the armor, if you hit him for 10, it is. (I just made these numbers up btw... couldn't have been bothered to do the math, but you can see what I am trying to say)

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If crit is truly independent of enemy armor, then we should expect to see high double digit damage crits at Guardian, anywhere from 60 to 90, but we don't - all damages including crits are single digits.

Edit: ninja'd...