why essence drop in haunlet but not counting..?
why essence drop in haunlet but not counting..?
Why doesn't the Kraken's shield skill work properly and doesn't pull monsters?
Can you at least try to make the lbs half good and event worth entering at least once and change the title from this hard to match blue that nobody going to ever wear to something reddish? It makes sense too cuz blood themed
Also the badge, why does it look like 5m silver badge? Can we get something good? Delete this vori badge or give it to top 50, also top 10 dont need the top 50 rewards cuz they bad anyway, instead of 5 trashes give something good, for solo 10. Proper badge with gold background, its so dumb that we have to beg u to put effort in lb when everyone cares about it so much.
Temple is literally a lb event, make it worth running!
Ign ~ Danrog
Event is not scaled faster at all
Wtf r these bosses at waves 30+
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I agree with you, it's a lousy event and despite having a kraken it's almost impossible to get anything because one dies right away
It is not worth playing this event and the next ones we will see
please buff scaling at the end...otherwise will be running for 10 hours in onme map no joke
Reduce the event from 2 weeks to 1 week, almost no one will be unhappy about it.
Can you make a 2 hour alert when you gonna make an update?
So we wont have to quit our runs during event time?
Things in vendor are all recipes. I assume it will cost millions to craft and is meant to be gold sink.
And to run lb, you need op gears and friends..
I can imagine for many normal players there is nothing really looking forward to farming.
Plus it's 2 week event
Maybe add some gold drop from mobs or good item from boss?
People end up feeling like they grind to buy something, not earned. We need some rewards.
I don't know why you devs think extremely rare drop and hidden items are fun, but to most of us it's just annoying.
Many people complain about lb rewards, but it seems fine to me because only limited people are able to run this lb and it counts only 1 best run. (this is also why I feel weird why this event is 2 weeks long too)
Except 1 unlocked crate for top 10. Really. 2-3 unlocked crate for lb looks like a joke to me.
Maybe 25 crates for top50 and 75 crate for top10. Then maybe it will look like something.
Ps. It's funny to see everyone is complaining it's hard to find tanks. Thanks for that.
Its so ugly even gold background wont make players wear it, its not that hard to make a good badge, give something like circling red portal, the realm portal lich came from (to make sense)
Red portal badge with red title is gonna look dope, will be worth running lb cuz ppl like red and its so much easier to match than the other vanities, blue is not, especially the blue shade you picked for this title.
Also if the banner is to stay top 10 solo can you at least make it 3 classes? This way solo class lb matters, ofc better option is to move banner top 10 group and give better reward on top 10, maybe class halo (unique for lb) + new arcanite egg
Ign ~ Danrog
Energy crafting should be fixed.
Its the same mob difficulty as every other temple but with better gear sir
Im not a lb runner like probably 90% of other players and there is nothing for me to run for. Why would I even play this event? Just to get vanity weapons. Ill rather buy them off auction.
No merit for me to grind this event
This event seems about 70% finished. 5 sales & locks but what are the players getting in return..? Lb is nothing. We should have skipped this until it was ready, remove the roadmap.
Assuming that you 2 are new to the game, now you you know that Gauntlet events are made specifically for the best of the best players to compete, you can still accumulate rewards by trying your luck or rack up for tokens, unfortunately this time might just be one of the worst events they've made for the majority.
This is ridiculously bad.
Ign: Fyor
this event is for kraken users only
twink players arent allow to play so this is a really bad event.
Just curious if the vanity recipes drop from 1st wave, great event but hoping to grind for recipe on hardcore solo if it does in fact drop from 1st wave ! Thank you in advance @cinco
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