asommers, we do need a separation for how u treat keep-highest-score events.
ive read every argument that the players getting alts on the solo lbs is unfair and all devs say is its fair for the players who put in effort in the gear.
They put in thier effort and have scored one of the top10 places. This already proves that they have the best gear and best skill. Why doesnt multiple alt in keep-highest-score events come under griefing/alt farming.
If the player at #13 place, if all alts were removed was supposed to be #8th place then isnt it worser for this player. And the person with 2 or more alts, if reported for griefing should be punished with a ban for the duration of the event. The guy in #13 did try for the lb and is one of the top10 player but was pushed out because of alts.

We want 10 distinct players to be rewarded the top10. Alts do promote competitiveness by pushing the lb points from 7m to 11m but its not fair. Alts are same person with 4 different accounts/characters passing his gears and getting the spot in LB.
Lets consider accumulate-points events, do u think any one person in the top10 would go for 2 accounts in the top10 spots? they wouldnt/cant. They wont have time to push. And 10 different players who put in effort get the top10 rewards. even if the player at #10 puts in the least effort, he is still one of the top10 players. this is fair. im sure nobody has complaints with this.

Why not the same for the keep-highest-score events. The separation(between accumulate-points events vs keep-highest-score events) we ask is for devs to allow the distinct players to be top10.
Since we as players are not able to restrict the alts, we come to devs to make it fair for all. And u guys help, by restricting the dark bombs, restricting fish ellix. this is done to make the ground even. Make the ground equal so that everyone has the chance for top10 not for every alt to have a chance.
Restrict alts from same account and alts from same person with different emails/logins.
When u say temple is for the most skilled players, i would expect the winners to be 10 different people with thier own gear. but its mostly just the 4 people occupying 10 spots with the same items which was shared. Items are fine, its just the alts. These are 4 of the best players but it doesnt make it 10 players. Removing the alts, there are others who deserved top10 because they are top10 best players.
Dont say its fair for the player(with 3 alts) who spent a lot of gold on gears. for the efforts he put in, he already scored top10 and everyone knows how skilled he is just from the highest points he scored. Huge difference in points from others already proves he's got good strategy, ping, skills and items.
10 distinct players from different IP at top10 is fair and is wat most of the player base wants(except the ones who do run alts).

This can be done, just restrict the alts from same account. And If there are people in the top10 who get reported for the alt farming/griefing then the support can take a look if they have alts from same IP/device and remove the lower scored ones and let only one stay. or if they cant remove the names then just remove the ranking except for the highest one. #13 serial number can be #9 on the top10 and recieve the top10 reward as he is rightfully one of the top10 players.