Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
So in terms of the XP changes - we'll be revising the curve when the 86 expansion comes out. It makes sense to adjust the system now as opposed to having it drop with the new campaign so that players get accustomed / adapt to the new way of advancing - as opposed to souring the coolness of the new expansion with a nerf targeted specifically at the advancing player.

On Monday we'll take a look at possibly softening the Quest XP curves. No promises on the outcome, but I indicated in another post that it's a fine thing for us to consider.

Zodias non-timed, non-LB statistics are going to get nerfed. Not to what they were before the update but close... so it'll be a lot easier for our under-geared Legends to blaze through, reap near infinite gold and keep the cycle of inflation going strong. We'll wait 'til the 86 expansion to gut the gold drops from Zodias - as there will inevitably be complaints on the forums (and in game) that there's no reason to play the new stuff if the old stuff gives better gold. This happens literally every cap.

Team has a number of choices surrounding the affordability / availability of 86 Arcane gears and we'll be addressing that closer to the 86 expansion. I had originally planned to drop alternative 86 Arcanes in the "Arcane Catacombs" but got talked out of it (here and on Discord) by players who weren't ready for their Kraken sales to diminish, and by players who don't see the value in Arcanes that have slightly different stats. I understand so we'll be pushing this effort off for a while longer.

Hope that addresses some of your concerns.

Best wishes!
honestly sounds great, i agree stuff like hp and xp should be nerfed/buffed but i think u overdid it, for example with rahab instead of rougly 300% buff, should be 100%, maybe 150% max

ty cinco

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