Dear Developers,

I hope this message finds you well. As an avid player of "ARCANE LEGENDS," I would like to offer some suggestions to improve the overall experience, particularly when it comes to farming maps. Currently, the game seems to lack diversity in farming options, with most players gravitating towards the Rahab map due to its quick boss spawns and higher gold loot. This has made the game somewhat monotonous and reduced the incentive to explore other areas. To address this issue, I propose the following changes to balance the three farming maps and introduce a new mechanic for improved player engagement:

Balancing the Maps:
a) Rahab: While the current instant boss spawn in Rahab provides a quick farming option, I recommend adjusting the difficulty to match that of the other maps. This can be achieved by introducing additional mobs or increasing the boss's health and damage output. This will make Rahab a challenging but rewarding map for experienced players.

b) Deep Marsh: To encourage players to explore this map, I suggest increasing the level cap to 81, aligning it with the difficulty of the map. Additionally, the number of mobs leading up to the bosses can be reduced slightly to make the journey more engaging. This adjustment will ensure that the Deem Marsh map remains a viable option for farming, especially for mid-level players.

c) Evg: In response to the recent nerfing of gold drops in Evg, I propose a rework that enhances the map's appeal while maintaining a balanced difficulty. Instead of nerfing the gold drops, consider implementing a scaling mechanism where the gold rewards gradually increase with each wave, reaching their peak at wave 10 when the bosses start appearing. This will incentivize players to push through challenging waves and create a sense of accomplishment.

Weekly Open Time Mechanic:
To foster variety and keep the farming experience fresh, I suggest introducing a weekly rotation schedule for the three maps. Each map could be open for farming during specific days of the week, ensuring that players have equal opportunities to explore and reap rewards from different areas. This approach will create anticipation among players, encourage map diversity, and enhance the overall longevity of the game.

Player Experience Enhancements:
a) Map-specific Challenges: To further engage players and make farming more enjoyable, consider implementing map-specific challenges. These challenges can involve completing objectives within a set time, defeating bosses with specific abilities, or reaching milestones in terms of the number of mobs slain. Completing these challenges could reward players with additional loot, experience, or exclusive cosmetic items, adding an extra layer of excitement to the farming experience.

b) Dynamic Events: Introduce random, dynamic events in each farming map to add unpredictability and replay value. These events could range from bonus boss spawns to temporary boosts in gold drops, unique enemy encounters, or even the occasional appearance of rare resources. By incorporating such events, you will keep players engaged and eager to explore different farming maps.

c) Map-specific Upgrades: Allow players to invest earned resources or gold into map-specific upgrades that enhance their farming experience. These upgrades could include increased drop rates, enhanced loot quality, reduced cooldowns for abilities, or even the introduction of new mechanics exclusive to each map. This system would give players a sense of progression and customization while adding depth to their farming strategies.

In conclusion, implementing these changes will not only balance the farming maps but also provide a fresh and engaging experience for players. By encouraging diversity in farming locations and introducing new mechanics, "Arcane legends" will thrive with renewed excitement and player satisfaction.

Thank you for considering these suggestions. I look forward to seeing how "Arcane legends" continues to evolve and provide an exceptional gaming experience for its dedicated community.
