Expansion in few hours?
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When there will be awake event finnaly? We all are waiting for it. It should be before all these new weapons
Will there be a plat sale?
- Living in a delusional state -
Can you add a LB for 86 fastcap?
or at least make a system message when someone is getting to 86?
Like "1/10 Fastcap spots has been taken!"
New legendary weapo pretty good for mobs
Ggs to smugg , skull axe
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Will the Zodias spirit gear get EXP from the new content?
The new pets look underwhelming on paper.
Kraken items are not in crates??? I know they don't go along with expansion but it seems those crates need something else possible to be worth opening....
The rest looks great can't wait!
Discussion about the expansion has moved to the feedback thread (link).