for warrior:
- reduce cd of skills
- juggernaut - looks fine to me, doing it's job
- horn - looks fine to me, doing it's job
- skyward and axe throw - buff bleed dot damage, make it work with critical chance (e.g yellow numbers), buff damage output of both
- rallying cry - i would "rework" this one. Perhaps, each strike can generate STR/DEX/INT (depends on player's class). More strikes you deliver, higher buff you'll get.
- 10 sec activation phase (player attack and generate primary stat), after that 10 sec cd phase (buff is active, can't generate primary stat). Once 10 sec cd phase is over, buff disappears.
- venge blood - i would buff stacking damage of it, or keep it as it is, with reduced cd warriors will be able to stack VB 2x
- windmill - add small pull once players shift from kraken aegis to 86 arcanes
- chest spitter - perhaps it can deal double damage per strke (with buffed dmg)

note: if there is space to create new skill, would be cool if warrior class can have it's own curse skill