Quote Originally Posted by MageFFA View Post
Gold has lost its value and everything has become too expensive for those who don’t farm gold or merch. I shouldn’t be having to pay 1.2B for a SoH, or 400M for a Blue Egg. Black Dragon costs 10B and lord knows how much Fossil Egg costs. Even with a substantial gold dump the game would still be too inflated. We should of cut back on the gold farming maps, gears, and events when we were able to make 300m in 3 days back in 2019. I’m pretty sure you could go beyond that nowadays.

If anything this inflation is causing people to get scammed because of absurd prices. We might not even need to increase the gold cap either. I know StS is currently working on a project on AL that allows you to exchange gold coins into a gold bar, 100M Gold C into a 100M Gold B that I believe stacks. This would fix all of the troubles the community has.

majority of this information was somewhat wrong.. the prices you listed were inaccurate, you could never farm 300m in a day in 2019, you couldn’t even do that in 2022 when myx farming was at its peak. gold farming has incentivized players to pve for years now and likely will for years to come, i don’t see how killing a huge aspect of this very small MMO is going to favor the players in any way other than to slow down inflation that’s already been happening for years. if STS really planned to fix this issue, they would have added more gold sinks to the game a long long time ago.