Quote Originally Posted by Marosok View Post
After more runs i've noticed this:

Event Bosses (drop rate of frostwyrm chest):
solo (0% luck) - good drop rate
party of 2 (5% luck as class bonus) - not big difference from solo
party of 3 ( 10% luck as class bonus) - many re-rolls, reduced number of frostwyrm chests i can loot/ hr

Brood Boss (drop rate of frostwyrm chest):
solo (0% luck) - good drop rate
party of 2 (5% luck as class bonus) - not big difference from solo
party of 3 (10% luck as class bonus) - many re-rolls, reduced number of frostwyrm chests i can loot/ hr

We did experiment in Brood. 25 minutes of brood with 3 players (warrior/rogue/mage) without luck sets, but with 10% luck as bonus for class. At first i was re-rolling often and i've looted only 1 frostwyrm chest. Mage friend left in half time, re-rolls stopped to be often and in remaining time i've looted 10 chests. Luck is killer of drop rate for sure.

Frostwyrm chest has good drop rate (without luck), but problem is somewhere else (many use luck). When you play solo, or in duo and adjust your set, then drops indeed are good, but players have to make changes in order to achieve this. I bet majority of random players don't know about this, and keep running with luck sets killing their drop chance for frostwyrm chest. I guess this is the reason of artifact becoming rare. Snowstorm set has 8 pieces, 7 pieces are hitting 100k-3m while artifact wasn't even in auction. To me changing raríty of chest from rare to legendary would help to bring more chests to players (because many use luck) -> more snowsilver components looted from more chests -> more and cheaper artifacts crafted -> more players with full 8/8 snowstorm set. Perhaps there can be other option (chest in vendor for tokens, snowsilver as part of vault?).
What is class bounusloot i never heard of it please enlighten me