Quote Originally Posted by seilhpares View Post
I'm a member of <Neon Genesis>, ign Arthrurdent. Egofury fully equipped me at 25 and I was able to make many runs with my
fellow members and get to 26 quickly. This is an endgame guild and acts as such.

Recruiting from other top guilds for skilled players is part of any game with...guilds. I'm confused every time I see this complaint. Who are you recruiting then?

The guilds on the leaderboard are there because they have owners who had a plan and have executed it. There is more to a guild than a clever name.

What's your IGN? Your username here rings no bell.
In short: labeling yourself as an "Endgame Guild" is like a license to engage in unethical tactics. Thank you for your testimonial, and thank you for proving my point. The type of mentality that you just displayed is exactly the sort of machiavellian immaturity that makes for an unenjoyable environment for other players, and it gives a real bad rep to real end-game guilds out there who have succeeded without the need for conducting underhanded tactics. Also, the guilds on the leader-boards are there because of the number of players who are at level cap. Correlation does not equate to causation. Furthermore, it would behoove you to also take note that it's likely not [just] because of the leaders, but because of the members that those guilds are successful. Also, I don't understand where you're going with the guild having a clever name thing. Nobody mentioned anything about clever names