Quote Originally Posted by Itzmemohsin View Post
I have a few ideas to deal with the situation

1 . Streamline the leveling process so that you level up with the flow and don’t have to repeat a map once u have completed it, just continue moving through maps and leveling up naturally without feeling like you are stuck at a certain level .

2. Some sort of bound starter gears for end game with decent stats and decent procs that is like 30-40% weaker than the current best gears and make them available through relatively easy quests that don’t require a super intense grind and going through very hard maps like catacombs or make a free advancement pack for every 5 levels till end game

3. Either remove gold loot [Which doesn’t seem a viable option] or make it so that everyone can have base 1000% gold loot from the passive section of the stats , this way gold loot gears still remain valuable but the gap between non gl & gl players is reduced because currently the difference is very crazy !

Currently it’s very overwhelming for anyone to think of starting or joining the game at its current state , I feel like these are some necessary changes to revive the game .
1000 gold loot is crazy lol prob not even half of the players that play this game have 1000gl yet at this point you just asking for a free to play game asking for free gears free gold loot at the start of game when Is already easy just have to grind the game

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