We have done in total thousands of runs in the Map Elite Newland Star to find the 2 rare bosses for the achievement Points
Hundreds of hours played and havent seen any rare boss
Can a developer confirm its not bugged in any way, because its seems so
We have done in total thousands of runs in the Map Elite Newland Star to find the 2 rare bosses for the achievement Points
Hundreds of hours played and havent seen any rare boss
Can a developer confirm its not bugged in any way, because its seems so
Confirmed not bugged, but very, very rare.
can we know the odds?
I remember nearly two years ago when I was looking for this AP too but except on Hardcore Mode.. I was searching for both of them for a month or so (I was online and offline but not spending too much time on it) and I would still go in that map on my Hardcore and try and search for it as much as I can when I had time to log and play.
I remember the next day.. in the afternoon I just logged on and wanted to try searching for it again and then.. the second run.. I ended up finding it but I will agree till today I still feel like I was extremely lucky to find it alone on my HC..
It's definitely a tough one to find since I'm still trying to find Midas on my HC till now lol but I wish you find it and best of luck to find it to complete your ap
They are super rare , dats why hard to found, but some of player are lucky found them in 2 runs or less than 10 runs hehe