Quote Originally Posted by Susanne View Post
I found that the event is not as active as it used to be. You can be alone for a bit longer than usual and once only two of us turned up. That was on my level 86.
I rarely bother now with my main because playing on my low level is more satisfying.
There are quite a few of us at level 10-12.
It's a lot less hassle on a twink but what does that say about endgame?
The vendors aren't fit for purpose and the rewards aren't as good as they used to be.
Also, Cliva is correct, some just wait and buy after the event.
Sorry to be so negative, just saying it as it is.
By the way, why are the developers taking away all the banes from events? Seems a bit suspicious. ��
If y’all have a guild please invite Oakmaiden tia