Quote Originally Posted by Oawaoebi View Post
Instead of bringing it back and causing troubles with collectors and devs saying they don’t bring back old vanities… there’s been countless posts.

Make new sets with the idea of the old vanities add more pixels + some better details.

Example: the tree set could have additional Christmas bubbles, light chanes glowing in different switching colors losing needles while running…..

Make the set resemble the previous but not identical.

Founder sets are good example. They are all identical. Just having a different color. Nobody ever complained about a different color of founder sets. They been released first in 2012 and still new sets came out recently in elder woods expansion.

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well that is a cool idea still but as i mentioned I got nothing to do with collectors since I expect nothing else than a downvote from them to this thread. As it is shown above they were literally bought/sold for 25-30 plats back then already so got nothing to do with collectors losing money from that.

People telling like it loses it is value and such well green set on rog still is a top tier looking vanity set and i see people using that set most of the time still? Idk what they are on tbh

People get offended for such stuff I mean those are not even leaderboard sets or anything so? we literally had steel commando/betrayer sets etc for sale on the market for years as well. Just cause of they are going to lose some cash doesn't change my mind as well like theirs won't change whatever i say...

Edit: Long story short you can't expect to use something that you can't even find yet it is not even supposed to be that rare actually.