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Thread: Shine again, Star Legends. 4 suggestions

  1. #1
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    Default Shine again, Star Legends. 4 suggestions

    Here are some ideas that I feel might be good for the game. Feel free to share your thoughts on any of these ideas!
    The winter event alone might be enough to keep SL afloat, but there’s no hiding it, SL’s player base has stagnated, and perhaps so has PL’s, and DL’s. Perhaps that’s why Cinco is focusing solely on AL. Most players only login for events for the 3 other games. There is a certain charm to Star Legends though that makes it special and that’s why I still have high hopes for the game.

    Suggestion 1: Daily check in rewards.
    * Maybe something like this: 
1 day streak: 250 credit crate
/ 2 day streak: 500 credit crate
/ 3 day streak: 750 credit crate
/ 4 day streak: 1250 credit crate
/ 5 day streak: 1500 credit crate
/ 6 day streak: 1750 credit crate
/ 7 day streak: 5 platinum
    * ‘Actions’ for receiving the check-in reward could be things like getting a certain amount of mob kills or killing certain bosses/ talking to a specific NPC/ buying or selling something in the auction/ emoting, etc.
    * On the 30th day in a row of checking in, the player is awarded a random vanity. After the 30th day in a row of checking in, it resets to the day 1 reward. Also, if the player fails to check-in, the check-in reward should automatically reset to day 1.
    * To prevent the abuse of the check-in feature, the reward should be available only to players lvl 30+ and should be available per account and not per character.

    Suggestion 2: Star Wars references. There are so many Stars Wars fans out there. If the game is marketed with Star Wars references, especially during releases of new Star Wars movies/shows, the player base could easily double.

    Suggestion 3: New PvP maps

    Suggestion 4: Combining all 4 games somehow. I know this won’t be easy to pull off, but this ensures the survival of SL, DL, and PL and the devs can focus solely on 1 game. You could just focus on AL, but there are many players loyal to their respective mmo whether it is DL, SL, PL. Or this could even just be one day events that are held on the birthdays of each respective game. Even a community lobby to interact with other players in all Spacetime games would be a unique addition.

    Extra suggestion
    * daily deals: not just vanities, how about things like Max Operative, Engineer, or COM Napalms that cost 2500 platinum?
    * mini games: something like a 4-player temple run? I got the idea because I saw like 6 players running around the Nysarra base lol
    Last edited by Spacetimesoul; 01-11-2024 at 12:38 AM.

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    Pretty interesting rhough

  4. #3
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    I believe the Daily rewards thing would REALLY keep players interested

    Please consider this idea STS 😭

  5. #4
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    Really like the idea but I don't think these are good daily rewards at all ... Credits are low af (And bring inflation if you increase amount to something that's reasonable)

    Plat reward is meh.. Nice but who cares to checkin for so many days just for that (Other than complete F2P), and I don't think devs want to see it either, it's even less people spending when the game is on it's last legs :P

    Instead they should be giving away free elixirs like daily blessing in pocket legends -but with the ability to upgrade elix to at least 2.5X multiplier's after u kill enough mobs ( 2/3k mobs sounds like a reasonable ammount for endgame, definitely scale it down for lower lvls )

    There needs to be a way for upgrading elixir otherwise this becomes counter productive - Instead of promoting active play, you pull a bad elixir like 1.5x combo and don't wanna play no more... ( This is what happens in PL, and many don't even take it cuz of this )

    2.5x sounds reasonable to equalize the gap between 5x combo's and 1.5x combo, making you feel like you can still play the game ( Beats buying 2x elix from guild hall every 5min... It breaks the flow of farming and I have so many parties disband because of this elix )


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