Repeats hashed over and some new ...

- HC Mode lost its touch and the idea itself got lost of what an actual Hardcore could have been if no hc were allowed to purchase anything with any type of currency.

- The HC APS are unachievable for players unless they open crates or are carried. Your seasonal leaderboard is full of players who do nothing except get a carry through maps.

- As is the Hardcore mode, it is literally not possible to do without getting carried.. even the so called famous hexame got carried by a rog for all his family aps.

-Add an extra option to revive for free as normal char without losing items.

- Give us an option to be able to buy the best gear with crate tokens.

- It’s hard to have or come up with a “strategy” with other players to run difficult maps like you can in normal mode because one wrong move and it’s rip for you and others in map. A Sandbox would help greatly to develop strategies for a team of hc.

- Cost of revive itself is too much. And this must be the oldest of complaints regarding reviving a dead hc. (the cost of lost aps is enough hardship to handle)

- In early days the dead hc could come on game in towns and in guildhalls (not maps) to stash their gear without having to pay a revive. At some point this was taken away but it should be returned because the player already paid plenty of $$ to have gear to play hc mode. Allow the dead hc to stash items without having to pay to receive back what he already paid for.

- Give us an option to be able to buy the better gear with crate tokens.

- Maybe in the future totally revamp the hc mode: remove the option to revive for platinum, remove the option to BUY gear if you die.

- Resetting event titles and badges you opened is something that honestly makes no sense! Why are we losing badges and titles that cannot be obtained after certain events? We ran. We risked getting it. And we’re getting it taken away after we die. Why? As if 1600 plat revive and loss of aps wasn’t enough of a punishment.
Even the badges received from opening crates and spending $$$. This is totally not fair to lose titles and badges earned during events or looted from crates!

- Remove pvp aps for hc at least or least confirm that dummy farming is not breaking TOS and also please lower the number of players needed to open CTF.

- A sandbox mode to test if the character is ready for bosses or events

- In the past a revived hardcore play did not receive from his inventory all the items that were in satchel! Even the Crate tokens were not gave back, nothing from that part of the inventory was given back. There were threads regarding this and that changed later cause ppl explained its unreasonable. Just as the satchel was apart of the inventory and needed to remain, the banners, badges and titles are part of the inventory and rightly should remain.

- Removing Chests from Gears and Vanities would help a lot with the problem of the inventory always full. Or make a quest that upon completing would allow an hc character to have it's own personal stash. Or make it easier to clean inventory with a one button push to delete all that is not Hearted.

- Thank for the changes that have happen, having our names a different color, have the lion icon in the guild and friend list so easy to see who is normal and who is hc, giving satchel back, not dying in towns, not dying from kraag canons or in the pvp maps, i'm sure there are others.

- Encrytions 11/29/2018 .... Ping is the biggest issue.

- Xxkayakxx said in 12/02/2018: "hardcore is like red hot chili... it hurts but you want more."