Did I just see Star Beast Daggers on the gif????
Did I just see Star Beast Daggers on the gif????
Looks as though they’re specifically made for PvP, so no need to edit
I see the crosses on ground from aura to step on it they have it easy , not the ωμ!!!
Any note if this is HC friendly?
Low level weapon
How about low level helm , armor ?
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Artifact lootable from boss or not ?
Sent from my head.
Can you add flawless jewels to top 25?
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Nice more luck arti . While previous easter luck useless . Goodjob .
Any chance for adding odd numbers level for the new weapons? @Cinco (5,15,25,35,45,55,65) somehow like that?
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Boss drops peylon / new arti ?
we need new arti
also power weapons crate locked?
@Devs we need ur response . there so many question and clarification that is need to answer on this event
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Boss Loot Infos Pls (is the new arti lootable ect....)
Greets Wortwechsel
Can you add sacks with individual currencies (murkstone for instance) or currency chest in token vendor, please? They should be T, so players can make some profit from selling them. I am not interested in weapon vanities.
Hope can loot something good on boss atleast
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opening 600 crates is not it. each crate is 15 plat so that would result in 9000 platinum.
Asommer Please answer the questions, especially what the boss is going to drop, thank you so much