Quote Originally Posted by Ocaflavat View Post
I was accused of requesting giger to come back. I asked for evidence none was given. That was the whole argument all about and not because I agree to something back in 2021. The person was avoiding to provide a evidence that I'm the one requested something to come back. Agreeing is different from requesting. But let me get back to the main topic, this is just a ruse to divert the main point of this topic. I still stand on my opinion not all old items are worth returning. Most of us failed to buy those but not all of us come here to cry and beg them to return just so they can ruin the rarity along with taking away the value of an item. Using the word "chance" and "fair" is one way to manipulate things and to control things for self gain.

All games were created to test and to challenge the players and so returning every items now where's the fun in that? Isn't very hypocrite to request old items to return while putting a puppy face and at the same time attacking the developers like a baby having a tantrum for not releasing new level cap and items.
This is the updated post btw. I didn't went overboard you only read the last part? Haven't you see the person specially said "coming from a person that asked to bring back giger". Asked is requesting for something I only agreed for such thing to return, I'm sorry but does those two words completely sounds the same for you? Like I said a ruse to divert the main topic and now using the "original player". Just so you know I'm old player too but never did I use that in an argument just so I can make other players bow down to me.