Quote Originally Posted by Dffleg View Post
You said devs don t manipulate game, and is suppose to be like this. But, as we can see, they choose which egg to be more common and loose 40-50x of his value.So this is manipulation, by increasing drop rate of an arcane egg who are very good, making it a 5 year old egg who are useless. I said cryparerh is one egg devs need think twice to make a common thing in the game. Like he was kinda hard to get from crypt, and
now to make it loose his value is kinda disappointed.
Fair enough, but that's result of crypt being an arcane egg. If it was arcanite it would still be rare. And if it was heroic it at least wouldn't be as common. Also extreme drops in price are normal during egg-zavier event, so nothing unexpected there.
Keep in mind at the start of event drop rates were bad and there were no egg chests. Only after player feedback crypt became this common, so we kinda asked for it.