Quote Originally Posted by Trubrothers View Post
I have no complaints about the release of the new rusk weapons they work great in both pvp and pve, being balanced according and not skewing the game by much at all. The only issue I have is when it comes to festerfang, the rusk sword makes such quick work of both other classes that it ruins the fun for anyone who does not play as a warrior. Not too long ago there was some readjustment in the way that festerfang worked to take power away from rogues and now I believe the same is needed for warriors. The ability to do just as much damage as the other classes with significantly higher armor and health than the others. The main issue is the ability to pull other classes in from the range in which rusk sword works in, allowing them to sit a distance from the edge and spam basic attacks but still be able to hit others. I think a slight rebalance would go a long way, either reducing the range of the rusk sword or increasing the survivability of the other classes.

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first paraghraph, it is actually bad in pvp i get deaths from reflect.
it says 25% reflect but its still a lot of damage being dealt.

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