Quote Originally Posted by Susanne View Post
I don't think much is going to change now and I'm at the point of not caring anymore. After all it's just a game and although I've tried to see both points of view, the developers and the players, I've given up.
All I can say is STS must be very poor to resort to making the decisions they did.
I did actually speak to someone face to face irl who told me they'd played AL back in the good old days, came back a few months back and went berserk when they saw what had happened to the game.
They decided to stay away.
We've been left with a few choices, spend your hard earned cash to carry on playing comfortably, don't pay and probably be frustrated and miserable or quit.
They're still dangling a carrot for the veterans who, like me, supported them by purchasing plat. The carrot being a promise of some special reward. They still haven't mentioned anything about phase 2 with regards to slots although many good suggestions were made.
So what next? How much longer do they think that they can pull the wool over our eyes?
The majority of us know what's happening. We just didn't want to believe it. If I'm wrong, I'll stand corrected but even if that's the case...the damage has been done. People have left, precious time has been wasted. Yes..STS must be struggling very badly to have done what they did.
Personally, I think this game deserves new changes, the same old thing and eventually repeating the same fighting pattern gets boring in the long run, in 2 expansions I was at my maximum and I didn't know what to do, the pvp not to mention, it's dead, we need something that make us see other styles of play or mechanics that make us start playing and not to mention how expensive it is to set up being new, the inventory in cost per gold and platinum in particular is too expensive which is greatly discouraging.