Quote Originally Posted by asommers View Post
Ultimately, hardcore gameplay will be the standard gameplay with these select changes:
* No auction house, gifting, trading, or stash

If you die in PvE, you'll be able to convert your character to a standard character for Platinum (price has not been set). You'll be able to play PvP with a hardcore character without penalty.
When we were on the hardcore subject in windmoore what I suggested if you want to make more money from hard core- make it free to change your character from hc to normal if you die but also have the option to revive the hardcore character at level 1 for 1600 plat as it is now. This brings in more people to attempt hard core because they aren't scared to die and they will open locks etc. The main thing that stops people from doing HC is they have the risk to lose all of their items behind a paywall which is annoying.

Making it cost plat to change it to a normal character after death only ruins hard core for most people which will result in less money. Less people will do HC because the progress lost is absurd and us free to play players don't have the plat to convert our dead character into a normal character.
Too many bugs in this game to even consider changing to a normal character for plat as an only option. Bugs, ping issues, insta kills all happen and people do complain about it but instead most stay quiet and move on.

No stash? That lessens your HC playerbase even more. Who will even open locks on HC knowing that if they play class A they are going to loot class B items and be unable to do anything with them?

Your end goal is to get more people to play HC if you want to make money. Don't take away things people enjoy to try and make money by doing that as that only results in losing players which results in income loss.