Just leave my Master Wound alone!
He is having a real life and if you can stand that he has other importat things to do, just leave the guild, we won't miss you.
That's the exact reason why I don't join guilds usually, because a lot of members want you to donate 100% of your life to a game and that is completely wrong.
His guild is one of the few ones that doesn't requires you to join weekly meetings to not be kicked out or other non-sensed rules that i''ve seen in many guilds here.
I am myself taking a little break and no one is "OMG we needz to kick him out! He is not giving 100% to the guildz!!!!".
Come on guys this is a game. Let it be like that. We are not sentencing anyone to death for not beign at least 30 minutes in the game everyday.
This is getting ridiculous.
BTW Wound you have all my support.