Quote Originally Posted by sandboxx View Post
Well as we all know the crown of persistence is not availble any longer and now we can only get the new shield at the max lvl cap.... BUT what if when you reach the lvl cap you get to choose which item you would like for example if you get to lvl 61 now and you didnt get the crown of persistence at the previous lvl cap you can choose to either get the crown of persistence or the new shield.... BUT you can only choose one and you must choose wisely because once you choose one you cannot get the other. I am saying this idea because many ppl really want the crown of persistence because for some reason they were not able to reach the lvl 56 cap so now they get the chance to either choose to get the crown or the shield.... BTW my character is a bird and i really have no reason holding a shield -__- and i would really rather have the crown because birds usually dont use shields.... PLEASE take this idea into consideration devs
I agree with most of the people here, players spend countless hours to get to the max lvl.