Quote Originally Posted by IBNobody View Post
That is not how a linear system works. You don't start getting bigger bonuses because bonuses increase at a fixed amount. This amount was chosen so that you wouldn't completely blow things out of the water when you hit the level cap.
I'm usually down with what you say, but on this one, Sorry bud, can't agree with ya. In a linear system, the stat bonus would increase percentage wise along with levels. Maybe they do and we just see rounded whole numbers, but I doubt it. What this does is in effect make the level 35 customized gear no more effective (for their level) then the level 30 customized gear. You'd think as you progress in level, the gear would keep up (see implants as an example), but like I said, I think this is more about plat purchases on gear then anything else. Anyhow, thanks for the good dialogue.