Quote Originally Posted by Hekpoc View Post
Where to start? First Ill pick my number 324 (my birthday.)

Now the all important question as to why should I have the set. The answer is simple. I have played PL for well over a year now as you know my friend. I have pillaged, I have looted, I have farmed and merched. All to give it all away in February; all of my gear, all of my money, everything, even potions. I was bored of PL after having 3 50’s and two 35’s. PL was losing its appeal. I kept my 35 twink gear for casual pvp’ing. Now 3 weeks ago I decided it might be interesting to pve again. The addiction came back in full swing. The farming, leveling, merching and just over all playing. I’m addicted again. But one thing remains; lack of things and money. Who’s fault is it? Mine and mine alone. I want to be ready for the new update and tackle it head on and not give in and quit. I am not asking for this set for me to look cool, but rather to restore my love for pocket legends to enjoy it as I once did farming, leveling, playing with you.

I am not a beggar. I would just love the opportunity to return to the PVE world of PL and this would make it happen.
Hm, I know what you mean, after my first 12 chars I got bored also, but I have some 55 sewer pinks to donate, it's not the best gear, but it gets the job done. If you don't get the set I wouldn't mind giving you a good set, and helping you farm in Hallows.