Quote Originally Posted by Nologicone:471160
If it is for"9 beginners, maybe the terms Trolling, Flaming, NecroPosting should be explained what they means. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Trolling - Instigating or starting unnecessary debates. Mostly linked with controversial issues where there is no right or wrong on both ends, but very wrong from the purist's camp.

Flaming - Basically unnecessary negative remarks. Mostly without factual base to back up negative remarks. Well, sometimes there are facts, but it's ok to keep the comment to oneself if it is a very obvious trolling thread, like "Selling L60 Glyph Obedience Armour for 2.5Mil". Freedom of speech need not be taken to the next level, especially behind the comfort of internet communications.

NecroPosting - I don't know what this means. Need help!

Necroposting is bringing a dead post back. Ie commenting on a post a few months old long after it has disappeared from front page, bringing back to be talked about. Like commenting on veterans helm thread again. I need to stop, I'm rambling