Quote Originally Posted by bronislav84:486445
Got what?

Anyway they have started to. STS forum app stared doing it recently too, where it would keep a cache between reboots before. I dunno what goes in there, since I know it keeps images in the app data and not the cache. Gotta clear the app data every once in a while. I clear it around 50mb.

Rebooted recently. SL cleared cache and PL didn't.

Btw keeping your device on all the time is bad dude. You should reboot every once in a while, even with a task killer.

The running tab on apps says 217 used and 354mb free.

I really don't care what happens to this phone, since I only use it to play SL and PL. Now tell me, what's the amount of memory you have left? It just sounds like you have low memory.