Quote Originally Posted by Fac3bon3s View Post
A question to all the pro rushers in this thread.

If you happened to join a PvP match that had 3 players on 1 team. And 0 players on the other. You have one choice. The team with no players. So you make the choice. You enter the game. And all 3 opposition then rush you.

I'm pretty sure it's just a stat padding tactic. And if you do it your self then you are about as low as it gets.

What is so wrong with having all players confirm they are ready. If you don't think it's a proper way to go about things then all you are out to do is take advantage of others.
If you see a team of 3 vs a team of 0...then leave. You don't have to join. If you join 3 vs 1, I don't know what else you expect to happen.

The ready set go thing just seems cheesy and childish to me. I keep comparing this to xbox live games because that's the system I played (all my brother had was fps games lol), but let's compare this to 1 vs 1 snipers. When you kill someone, they respawn in a new spot. You are still in your spot. Survival tactics say that you need to find him before he finds you because he knows the general area your shot came from. You wouldn't run out in the middle of the map and say "ok I'm gonna go back to this tower over here, give me 10 seconds please." I'd hate to see some of you guys on xbox live if you want ready set go before each fight.

I have no lag when I respawn after dying (don't die often so not many trials), and when I have respawned I've never been faced with a barrage of hits. You don't always respawn in the same spot. You guys want to play turn based, make sure everyone is ready games, go play chess.