Quote Originally Posted by Ellyidol View Post
Everything points towards not using the latest campaign, ease in kills in lower campaign, speed, density of mobs, number of mobs per map, and the loot. If you want end game pinks, you'll need to be (hypothetically speaking) 65/66 anyway, so might as well get there with ease first.
Elly is dead on as usual. The scaling system is great for holiday loot, but as I've been leveling on my 61 I've often reminded myself that I basically have no chance of getting the loot that's truly important to own until I get to 65. It wasn't a big deal before, but with the new elixirs it's much more important to have attractive loot dropping for people who are leveling in their appropriate areas, since it's their only incentive to do that. A small chance at a level 61 pink isn't terribly exciting.

Would it be possible to keep the new loot scaling only for holiday dungeons, and change it to the way it was before in the other dungeon?

Or how about adding some rare vanity items that drop in all levels but only for people in who aren't in an area too low for them?

The fact that kills are counted definitely needs to be changed, or the leaderboards will become completely meaningless. Also if kills are not counted, that would be one more incentive for people to level in the appropriate areas.

As for paying to access higher level dungeons, I think it should be there for free or not at all. I've always been in favor of letting map access be more open, and letting the community deal with those who are in the wrong area. Or at least change the level difference allowed from 2 levels below to say 5-10 levels below. Nobody wants to see level 10s in sewers, but a level 32 in AO2? I used to see half-full groups of a mix of 30s and low 40s doing those maps with little difficulty.

Another idea would be to let a lower level player join a higher level map only if a friend invites him. If the intent was to keep friends together (which is a great idea), then this should do it.

But letting only people who pay access any level just feels way too much like cheating. And like others pointed out, you're charging people money for a product that may get them booted a lot if used improperly (or yelled at in public games if people can't boot). Imagine a game where the host doesn't have much platinum, so he had to unlock all maps by leveling and couldn't skip ahead. Then a lower level joins his game, who paid to be able to skip ahead. How sympathetic/friendly do you think the host will be to that player? I didn't use to boot people who were lower level but not so low as to not be contributing - partly because I would also join higher maps on my low levels, so I knew that being 10 levels below the recommended level wasn't such a big deal. But honestly if a lower level joins my game and I know he got there only because he paid plat, when other kids wouldn't have been able to afford doing that - I'm booting. Why should my team have to carry him just because he paid plat?? With the plat elixirs at least, everyone in the team gets an advantage if someone uses them. With this, one person gets an advantage and everyone else gets a disadvantage. It feels like non-plat users have to carry those who bought the platinum product.