
Following this thread by nmyxspaceship: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/show...provement-Plan, these are my ideas:

(I can't think of a name...suggestions would be nice ).

This is a place that is Earth-like. People in homes, cars, etc.. The intelligent elves, powerful bears, and cunning birds must defeat the monstrous aliens from an alien apocalypse!


All was settled on the planet of (Name of planet the aliens live), until a catastrophic crash between (The planet) and Earth.
Most aliens, amazingly, survived. They tore down the remaining buildings, ripped massive holes into the ground, and poisoned or killed the shocked and terrified humans. The people thought it had ended, the world was gone.... Yet there was still hope.
The elves, bears, and birds, sprinted into the Magic Portal, teleporting them to Earth.
They destroyed the aliens, leaving a mysterious burning substance on the Earth, that drilled right into the core. The enchantress, warrior, and archer had to kill the boss before the substance reached it, as it would send a colossal explosion, killing every organism there was.
However, the bosses were not as easy to beat as they looked. A green liquid dripped from their mouths onto the will-be gross looking floor. They were fat and lazy, but attacked with surprising speed.
It would kill a mage in one swipe in it's small range. Tanks would fly to the other side of the room, barely clinging onto their lives, and even the evasive birds might not be able to avoid a horrifying hand.
Can these elves, bears, and birds do it? Will they save the planet Earth, or die trying to do so?


I have two ideas for this: Either use the weapons we have now (swords, staffs, bows, etc), or use weapons from Earth like guns, knives, etc..

What if the substance reaches the core, but the team hasn't finished?

The group would have +? deaths (suggestions of number of deaths?) and start at the entrance, with the progress they had. (Ex. 100 enemies, group kills 70, leaving 30 left. Substance reaches the core and explodes. They respawn and continue with 30 left, and the chance of another explosion would obviously go lower.)

So what do you guys think? Would this campaign be possible?


P.S. Check out the thread from nmyxspaceship!