Quote Originally Posted by prouzi View Post
So should i get it =.=?
You'd better spend 5 plat for an additional char slot or delete that mage, and start a dex bear. If you intend to stay between lvl 6-19, a dex bear with the right gear squashes a mage like a fly. At lv20'ish a mage start to become a valid option IMO, again only when using the right (read: expensive) gear. So yeah, if you want to be able to kill anything and not just be ran over all the time, I'd definitely reconsider your character class.

To answer your question whether to buy the plat pack or not, The 4-item plat 'dex' packs are definitely a viable option for a dex-bear, I wouldn't spend plat on mage gear though, because you can buy better equipment with gold, and even then you wouldn't stand a chance in PvP.