Quote Originally Posted by robert7204 View Post
ok, thanks guys! I couldn't understand the spawn kill but i was thinking in 1 vs. 1. I see where you could spawn kill if there are lots of players. I'm still not sure I understand what rushing is. I would think you should be ready to fight as soon as you join a game and that part of the strategy would be timing your buffs and attacking when the other persons buffs have worn off. I have a lot to learn and I'll be adding you guys who said I could. My birds name is in my sig.

thanks again! I hope to learn on the fly!
At this point, we don't have 1v1 maps, so there are either normal arenas, or Ctf maps.

Ctf maps should be and are most likely FFA. FFA (=free for all) means every tactic is allowed to win. Run others buffs of, hide behind walls or trees to not get hit, team up and kill them as fast as possible when they are getting revived. Do whatever you would like to get/defend flags or gain/avoid kills.

Spawn killing is the only no-no. This would be entering the others spawning zone (there is one in Ctf maps) and just kill them constantly while they are trying to respawn insinde of this zone. Don't do that...!

In a normal map, that is played FFA style, you shouldn't hesitate to kill someone if he is spawning right next to you (which happens quite seldomly). It's war!
However, some people may consider that cheap -.-

Apart from FFA, we have a whole lot of maps which are played in a 1on1 style. Expect most forest fight games to be played like this :/
You will have to ask/ be asked for a fight, that will start when both agreed ("go") and buffed, and usually ended with a "gf" (good fight). Very slow, very formal, and much les exciting IMO, but it can be quite usefull to test combos, tactics, etc. And it's happening ALOT atm

Rushing only exists in those 1v1 maps, and is basically when someone doesn't follow these unwritten "rules".

Oh, one other thing. Ctf/FFA games are usually started whith an equal number of players in each team. When teams are uneven, it would show good sportsmanship to "sit" (not fighting) til teams are even again.

I hope you will have fun in the arena! Be prepared for the trolls, smacktalkers, and sore loosers! And don't forget to have fun