First things first, you are the Damage Dealer of the team. Don't run around like you're invincible because... You're not! You're as fragile as an egg!! Stay behind you're tank at the start of each mob and always be ready to use stimpacks!
At the start of each mob you should be,
-Behind your comando(s)
-Next to your engineer
After the initial pull is done
-Wait for your engineer to use their buffs
-Find the mobs most threating AI (Note: Do NOT pick the tanks, I usually pick the mobs DPS and healers)
-Activate Buffs
Once combat starts
-Use lurch to get your threating target away from your teamates corner the AI into a wall and let them hae it! Make sure you are not surrounded! Multiple AI's against you will result in a death!
After your target is dead...
-Repeat, single out your next target and seperate tem from the rest of the battle.
When mob is dead,
-Get back next to your engineer, he is your life line.
Some examples of singling out a target
Notice how I am away from the rest od the mob.
How to identify the modt threating mob.
-This is mostly common sence! DPS, healing, and heavy damage mobs should be your target! I usually target them in this order.
1)Heavy Damage
I hope this serves some use .