Bears, people think they are weak against mages these days, well you is be wrong lvl 30 bears, dodge, debuff, or KO? Dodge bears, heres a tip, taunt is better, maced it has 8+ but can be stacked 2 times, so you end up with 16+ dodge forever if you keep pressing it, as evade gets 20 seconds of 12+ dodge. So if you had the choice use taunt. KO bears are mindless ffa type chars, using 6 rage, 6 bekon 6 stomp 5 iron blood 6 scream type builds, not so good in 1v1, debuffers use scream and CB at 4+ points, and keep enemies in your debuffing range, 35+ bears I advise high bekons to corner mages and debuff them, and if your being rushed usr that strategy but hide behind things and wait for others to come to you. I have 10 or so bear accounts so please take this as a guideline to 30-37 bears that think mages own them.