IGN: Dilusioner

Contest 1:

Contest 2:

1. A spirit weapon system. So if you have a weapon that you really like, you have the option of infusing it with a spirit to make a spirit weapon. You must obtain a spirit stone to put a spirit into a weapon. The stone would be obtainable through a very challenging questline. There are also multiple elements of stones that you can use. The weapon will deal elemental damage depending on which element spirit stone you pick. The spirit weapon would result in a much better weapon in terms of crit% and damage in general, but it would be untradeable (it is personal to you only) and it would degrade over time. You would have to pay an upkeep cost to keep the spirit alive in the weapon.

2. An enchanting system. The suffixes and prefixes in the game could be enchanted by players by themselves. Enchant scrolls could be dropped in certain dungeons and could be used to turn common items into much better rare items. They would also be a valuable commodity to sell on the CS.

3. More item skins! Such as new looks for armors and weapons.