Contest 2:
Everytime a new player is abouts to enter a pvp game, have a message pop up that displays "Warning. Powerful players might kill you. Enter now or later when you have better gear" This can b turned off in the options menu and will help new players from gaining too much deaths.

Players will receive 2 plat for every 5 levels gained. Maximum 20 free plat earned this way will b give per account, not character. People will then be able to purchase a ring o respec a few times so free players can obtain max stats too. STS will also make money if players decide to buy plat when they experience the advantages of plat first hand.

People are allowed to return plat purchased items for 60% of the buy price. This way when you start disliking a vanity or accidentally bought something you dont want, you can get some sort of refund. 1 time use items are not included with return policy.