Drop rates that make sense and equipment that makes sense versus drop rates.

Rarer items should be better than more common items. There needs to be consistency where rarity color matches drop rates. Purples, which are supposed to be rarer in terms of drop rate than green, should not drop more than green items. And Green items, that are supposed to be more common than purple, should not be better in stats than purples.

Vanities, which are actually supposed to be seen, should not be non-existent. They can be rarest but farming months for one makes it so only hardcore people get vanities. No weekend warriors here.

I think xmas drop rates were pretty good or PL drop rates. People need incentives besides grinding. Collecting is an incentive to play, but the items need to make sense. Raining cats and dogs does not make that many people spend months collecting water. Being in a desert does not make that many people play 24/7 to collect water either.

Anyways, drop rates and rarity progression that makes sense and yet still gives the weekend warrior something to achieve.