Hey guys someone told me its after xp weekend. Is this right?
Hey guys someone told me its after xp weekend. Is this right?
SebastiaaNL 67 mage, IlikePvP 66 bird, DutchTwinkk 56 bear, NoobzGtfo 44 bird, BoomFear 35 mage, moneymakerrr 11 merchant
Proud member of Influence!
Only the devs know the answer to that.
And besides, the new maps come out AFTER DL is released, so that's still gonna be at least a few weeks off
Definitely someone after the xp weekend xD
AL: Rare (Rogue)/Common (Warrior)/Mythic (Sorcerer)
Uh maybe for PL but not for SL.
We know nothing. Not even name yet or monsters.
And they're supposed to be far ways out. It'd be nice. But no one even mentioned that Yet lol.
Jugernuget (66) Proud Member of Hella Good
We do know its named 'Humania', and that the lvl cap will again rise 5 lvls to 70 (71 for elite). From the name i will assume humans will be the common enemy. The location in the world map i do not know, maybe that little island near Croc Feud?
As said, it will be released after Dark Legends has been fully released. They will most likely allow people to try out Dark Legends for at least a week or 2 before releasing Humania
The Official Yawn Train, created and owned by me.