its not the energy mechanic itself that I have a problem with, its the extraordinary amount of time needed to complete some of the cutscenes along with the high energy cost, and slow regen rate. I'm not a PVP player and I never will be, so suggesting that I go try PVP is a non starter. What I did today was start a 3 hour cut scene, logged out and went back to PL. So essentially what happened was . . .I didn't fight any battles, I didn't burn any blood packs and more importantly from a financial perspective I didn't have to purchase any blood packs, nor did I spend plat to speed up a timer since I was out of energy, both of which I would have done had the energy been available,

Other than the above, issues, you guys have created an awesome game. Like I've said before, you have created games that are enjoyed by people from many countries and by many age groups. I have some suggestions on things to do in town but that will have to wait until tomorrow,