The skill tree is a bit "bland", limiting players to play only one role, the melee class. There are a few ranged attacks, but the combat is heavily focused on melee. My favorite role of choice is the spellcaster/crowd control and healing/support class. I like to avoid from fighting in melee range, and attack from afar, and using AoE skills when I'm surrounded. Of course vampires possess superhuman strength, but "the blood flows differently in each vampire", and some may possess more wisdom and intellect, while others possess more strength and brute force than others. Any yet, there are those who could be a hybrid between the two.

There should be more skills that would be beneficial to those who choose to play the roles of spellcaster and support classes.

Incorporate Psychic Vampirisim into the skill tree. Vampires are known for possessing psychic abilities: telekinesis, telepathy, mind control, glamour, hypnosis, the abilities to see auras, pyrokinesis and cyrokinesis (this could open to so many possibilities), life force draining. But the ability to telepathically communicate with rats to attack the enemies is a bit cheesy. Just be careful about magic and spells, that could turn sci-fi/horror modern vampire them into a fantasy/magical theme.

A healing/support class would be useless, maybe an "Unholy" class specialized in curses and draining life force, creating auras and buffs for the team and sacrificing blood to heal allies (blood transfusion). Vampires are sadists and masochists, so keep that in mind.

A spell casting class could specialize in pyrokinesis and cyrokinesis, I love the thought of impaling enemies with crystalized icicles or shards of blood.

The crowd control could specialize in psychic abilities, immobilizing enemies, and glamoring/mind controlling an enemy to fight as a pet. I love the thought of using telekinesis to lift enemies in the air and slam them to the ground, or make them explode with telekinetic force.

I do understand that the game is designed so that players won't have to follow a specific class, and choose skills to create a character to their liking. I am only applying that this game could be much more diverse, allowing players to explore with different skills, roles and characters, rather than creating only one character who can access all of the same skills that every other player can access. In that case, this game will have no replay value, and get tiring quick.

This game possesses so much potential, it's just not executed properly, and if this game doesn't see any major changes soon, it will quickly fail.