Hello fellow Players, i will be making a guide just like i did with Pocket Legend's to name all of the Dev's/Mods names on DL. Some of them are different to their name's on PL. I will color code them to show you there ranks/positions. I only know some of them because most of the Developer's have not created there character's name yet. Some of these Developer's/Mods have been inactive for a long time. I will keep updating dev's/mods.

*(N/A) - Do not know there character's name in Dark Legends.*

Justg - Buffy
Samhayne - N/A
Dracknor - Kept same name
Thade - Kept same name
Asommer's - Kept same name
Flip - Kept same name
Cinco - Kept same name.
Futumsh - N/A
Decker - N/A
Jakis - N/A
Null_Void - N/A
Kobraki78 - N/A
Mjolstin - Kept same name.
JSL - Kept same name.
Bpog - Kept same name.
0xff - N/A
Cassric - Kept same name.
Lotus - N/A
Spacetime studios - N/A
Awesomeness - N/A
Tisirin - N/A
Stamoslives - N/A

Airrie - Kept same name.
Delphina - Kept same name.
Gambatte - N/A
Pandar - N/A
Rinzler - N/A
Firead - N/A
Avefenix - N/A
Fink - N/A
Moderator42 - N/A