Quote Originally Posted by Anecat View Post
I will group up with 9 other lvl 15 pvpers that have been ejected from Project Twink. We will train, give each other builds, help other guild members in times of need. WE WILL SOON BE ABLE TO BECOME THE STRONGEST AND WILL CHALLENGE PROJECT TWINK! I am raising money and have 3000c. If you can provide the guild for us please notify ma and i will raise a poll between the guild. The pvper with the most money raise will get to name the guild and be our master, but first i would like to form the group first. I will post names of interested forumers in here and pm me you SL name so i can friend you.
May i ask did u not get accepted in Project Twink and ur trying to make a guild that can compete with us even tought u failed the test and still belive that u can beat us ?