The changes are dramatic and the potential is great, but I have to say the skill tree is a complete fail system. No offense, but perhaps some of the guys there should revisit one of their favorite rpgs and re-learn how a skill tree system is supposed to work.

First we start off with Unholy Force which is a good start, a skill that does decent damage has an area of effect around the user and adds knock down. From that initial skill EVERYTHING branches off, that is a bit of a mistake. Shouldn't there be a different branch of the tree; perhaps one that supports a different type of play? Say a ranged start point such as Hell Blade, or even a quicker more in-and-out tactical skill like Shadow Dance? I just don't understand why everything begins with Unholy Force.

From there we run into another problem, lack of consistency. Unholy Force can be followed by Shadow Dance, since they can employ the same strategy of getting surrounded while charging and hitting all in your range... but the next skill in line is Unholy Blessing which is a buff and the only active buff in the tree... and we put behind that we put one of the only powers that works on multiple targets instead of just those in the toon's vicinity, coupled with a damage per second enhancement instead of just raw damage like every other power. So now I have to waste at least 1 point on a buff that I may or may not want in order to get to what (on paper) seems like one of the best powers yet. There is also the fact that the tree does the same thing on the other side, I have to spend a point in the only debuff, to gain access to one of two multi targeting powers.

Wouldn't the tree be a much better idea if a player could spend points in only powers that they will use (especially since I can only hold up to 4), instead of wasting one or two here and there just to gain access to the fruit at the end of the branch? Put the gathering up enemies while charging skills all on one track: Unholy Force, Shadow Dance, Fatal Burst, Leap; ranged powers together: Hell Blades, Vermin Swarm, Fire Aura; and buffs/debuffs together (Unholy Blessing, Curse). The other three powers all seem to be based on a range, I would like to see them be used via a drag and charge system instead of just the 10m area around the caster.