Quote Originally Posted by Redbridge View Post
For those of you who aren't aware....

Skel is a very keen and enthusiastic player who just wants to helps. The problem is that despite all the enthusiasm, many of his posts in the past have been infactual, brief, and although called guides have been little more than a paragraph or two of obvious content.

Many many players have, and continue to, support Skel to improve his content and 'step up' to being the helpful player he is trying to be. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, this has fallen short of some people's expectations.

Personally, I think this guide needs much more content and detail. Location, screenies, some examples, some tips and tricks of using CS and even some more detailed listing/searching examples. There are many guides on the forums which can be looked at as great guides, and generally they are well written, well layed out and contain a lot of info.

That being said, it doesn't excuse the negative comments from some senior members, no matter how frustrating repeated poor posting appears.

Skel, take the constructive feedback you've been given and use it to improve your guide, include as much detail as you can and include images to support the knowledge your trying to impart. But also be aware of the difference between a really helpful detailed guide and a few paragraphs of your thoughts on CS.

You can do it buddy.
I will, I will be adding screenies hopefully tomorrow, and more detail

Thanks for your feedback red!

I can't please everyone, but I try my best